Executive operation of water transmission from Aras river to Yekanat and Harzandat plains and Harzandat dam – water transmission from RES1 storage to PS3 pumping station
Implementation of second part of RMC canal and the main pipelines of civil areas of Agh Chay plan
Implementation of water transmission line from Karam Abad dam and irrigation and drainage network of riffle lands of Karam Abad storage dam
Establishment of main canal of Khoda Afarin and associated technical buildings
Establishment of sprinkler farms of unit E2 of the secondary irrigation and drainage network of Eyn Khosh
Design and construction of riffle irrigation and drainage network for Maku dam in West Azerbaijan province
Executive operations of establishment of siphon in river valley of main canal path of Khoda Afarin and associated technical buildings
Executive operation of Golfaraj embankment dam of Jolfa and main transmission canals (supply and distribution)
Executive Operation of Sahand Dam Subdivision Network with Area of 1000 Hectares – fitst civil unit
Implementation of irrigation and drainage network of Sahand, the first civil unit and the supplementary works
041-33660066 (202)